Web Performance:
Perception & Metrics


Parvez Ahammad

Head of Data Science and Machine Learning
Instart Logic

Twitter: @perceptPA
Blog: www.parvez-ahammad.org

Estelle Weyl

Open Web Evangelist
Instart Logic

Twitter: @webdevtips, @estellevw, @standardista
Blog: www.standardista.com

HTML5 and CSS3 for the Real World Animations and Transitions with CSS MObile HTML5 Web Performance Daybook CSS: The Definitive Guide Flexible boxes in CSS

Performance Overview launch

  1. What is Web Performance
  2. Objective Metrics
  3. Perceived Performance
Go launch

Visual Metrics launch

  1. SpeedIndex (SI)
  2. Perceptual Speed Index (PSI)
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Performance Projects launch

  1. Progressive Web Applications
  2. Lighthouse
Go launch

SpeedPerception launch

  1. SpeedPerception Study Overview
  2. Hypothesis
  3. Results
  4. Learnings
  5. Phase 2
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